Sponsoring Opportunities
The UIC nextstation 2019 Conference will be a privileged venue for all companies interested in finding new business opportunities within the booming digitalisation process currently underway in the railway station sector at the global level.
Do not miss the opportunity to be part of this event!
We offer you a global package at the unique price of 10,000 euros:
- The official title of "Global Sponsor"
- Your logo on the programme, website and conference brochure
- Acknowledgment as a sponsor on the official sponsorship (displayed in a prominent location of the conference venue)
- Your brochure in each conference bag
- One slot as speaker on the sessions programme
- One table/booth space to put your company poster/roll-up
- Two free entrance tickets
To be part of the UIC nextstation 2019 global sponsorship package please contact Ms Mouchel: mouchel@uic.org