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Call for papers
Required content of abstract submission
To complete the abstract submission procedure, you have to share with the International union of railways (UIC) the following items:
- Your main choice of parallel session and your potential second choice
- Reason for your choice of subject matter (how does your subject fit into the general context of the conference and the parallel session?)
- Complete the application form
- Accept the UIC property agreement condition to share your presentation after the conference
At the time of submitting your paper proposal, you will be asked to also agree to a copyright transfer statement to transfer publication and other rights to the International union of railways in order to establish a data base of knowledge on the UIC nextstation website.
Criteria for the speaker selection
- Correlation and relevance with the theme of the conference and the parallel sessions
- Innovative and/or disruptive approach of the railway stations
- Quality of the abstract
- Pathway to implementation for railway managers (applicability)
- Similar speech given at previous conferences will not be accepted (except for specific cases)
- Working language is English, no other language allowed for abstract and presentation
Process after acceptance of your abstract/registration
Selection of papers will be done just afterward and will be communicated directly to the applicant.
In case the lecture is approved, the final presentation will have to be provided by exclusively in English and according to the guideline/template that will be provided in due time by UIC.
The registration for the speakers is free of charge. After confirming your participation as a speaker, you will receive a code to register for free in the “registration” area of the website. We hope, on behalf of UIC and RAI, that you will be able to support this important event and we look forward to receive your proposal.
Reach the conference
For the smooth running of the conference, every speaker is supposed to reach and attend the UIC conference. The International union of railways provides any useful information for getting visa, journey and accommodation.
If you can’t attend the conference, speakers are supposed to find an alternative solution, such as a representative person to introduce the speech.
UIC nextstation 2019 - Call for papers